Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I Was Featured!

I am happy to say that I was featured today in the Indie Beauty Network's newsletter. I was interviewed yesterday morning after I had "twitted" about my 11 mile run on Sunday. Donna Maria, the founder/owner of The Indie Beauty Network, is starting a series of articles about the "fit indie". Ironically, am currently training for a half-marathon. She wanted to know all the particulars of how I got started, what motivates me, and how it translates for the good in my business.

As some of you know, I started running in 2005 to train with my husband for the Phoenix Rock and Roll Marathon as part of fundraising for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of our son. I decided early in training that if he could endure all that he has without complaint, I can endure the pain of training for a marathon. A relatively small thing compared to what he was going through at the time. I didn't realize the all around good that would come out of this for me personally.

Running means more to me than getting and staying fit. It is definitely a big part of my life. It helps me in many other aspects of my life including stress relief and feeling good about myself. The endurance and determination aspect of the sport has also transferred over into personal areas of my life, like helping me be a better mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and business person. Many runs with my music have produced what may be called epiphanies in my life. Most are little helps, but there have been a few times I feel God has revealed to me simple truths that were hugely significant for what I was dealing with at the time.

You don't have to be fast, or even win races to be a runner, thank God! There is no competition, unless you want it. I would say that running is one of the most inexpensive and uninhibited ways to get fit. You strap on a pair of good running shoes and hit the road, path, trail, or treadmill. When people seem amazed at the long distances I run, I do tell them that although it isn't easy, it is very achievable, and if I can do it, anyone can. Start slowly, and allow yourself plenty of time to get acclimated before upping your speed or distance. I guess I better add that you may want to check with your doctor first before starting any fitness program(the commercials are ringing in my ears with the fast talk at the end).

Please comment. I do moderate comments, but only for the sake of spamming that may be inappropriate. Let me know your secrets for getting/staying fit. Is exercise "just exercise" to you, or does it help you in other ways as well? What other things do you do to take care of yourself?

Until Next Time!


Pink Heels said...

Congratulations!!! Take a bow and drink a glass of wine in celebration!!! Your soap is absolutely FABULOUS!!!

What do I do to stay fit? Yoga and Pole Dancing.

Moonday's Child said...

I second the Yoga! For me it is so much more than physical excercise, I suppose you could say that it is a work out for the mind, body and spirit.